Does Big Lots Take Food Stamps


Big Lots is a popular discount retailer with a wide selection of products, including groceries, household items, furniture, and more. Food stamps, also known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, are a form of government assistance that helps low-income individuals and families buy food.

Understanding whether Big Lots accepts food stamps can be crucial for those relying on this assistance.

Food Stamps

Food stamps are an essential resource for many families, providing them with a way to purchase nutritious food for themselves and their dependents. The program is designed to supplement the food budget of households with limited resources, helping to ensure they have access to a balanced and healthy diet.

Policy Analysis

Big Lots is a discount retailer that offers a wide variety of products, including food and beverages. The company’s policy on accepting food stamps has been a topic of debate in recent years.

In 2013, Big Lots announced that it would begin accepting food stamps at all of its stores. This decision was met with praise from anti-hunger advocates, who argued that it would make it easier for low-income families to purchase food.

Reasons for Accepting Food Stamps

There are several reasons why Big Lots may have decided to accept food stamps. One possibility is that the company wanted to attract more customers from low-income households. Another possibility is that Big Lots believed that accepting food stamps would help to improve its public image.

Whatever the reason, Big Lots’ decision to accept food stamps has had a positive impact on the company’s bottom line. In the years since the policy was implemented, Big Lots has seen a significant increase in sales.

Alternative Payment Methods

For customers who do not have access to food stamps, various alternative payment options are available to make purchases at Big Lots. These methods provide flexibility and convenience to shoppers, allowing them to make payments in a manner that suits their needs and preferences.

Some of the commonly accepted alternative payment methods at Big Lots include:


Cash remains a widely accepted payment option at Big Lots. It offers several advantages, including the ease of use and the absence of additional fees or charges. However, carrying large amounts of cash may pose security risks and may not be convenient for everyone.

Debit and Credit Cards

Debit and credit cards are widely accepted at Big Lots. These cards provide a convenient and secure way to make purchases without the need for cash. Debit cards deduct the purchase amount directly from the linked bank account, while credit cards allow users to make purchases on credit and pay the balance later.

However, using credit cards may result in interest charges if the balance is not paid in full each month.

Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Cards

EBT cards, also known as food stamps, are specifically designed for individuals and families who qualify for government assistance. These cards can be used to purchase eligible food items at Big Lots, providing a convenient way for recipients to access nutritious food.

Big Lots Rewards Card

The Big Lots Rewards Card is a loyalty program that offers customers various benefits, including discounts, special promotions, and exclusive offers. Cardholders can accumulate points with each purchase, which can be redeemed for future purchases. This card provides an additional layer of savings and rewards for frequent shoppers.

Gift Cards

Big Lots gift cards are a convenient and thoughtful way to allow friends and family to make purchases at the store. These cards can be purchased in various denominations and can be used for any item in the store. Gift cards provide flexibility and allow recipients to choose items that suit their preferences.

Impact on Customers

The policy of Big Lots to accept food stamps has the potential to significantly impact customers who rely on this form of government assistance. It can present both challenges and opportunities for these customers.


One of the primary challenges that may arise is the potential for increased prices. Some customers have expressed concern that Big Lots may raise prices on eligible food items to offset the cost of accepting food stamps. This could potentially negate the benefits of using food stamps at Big Lots, as customers may end up paying more for the same items.

Another challenge is the potential for limited selection. Big Lots may not carry the same variety of food items as a traditional grocery store. This could make it difficult for customers to find the specific items they need, especially if they have dietary restrictions or preferences.


Despite these challenges, the policy of Big Lots to accept food stamps also presents opportunities for customers. One opportunity is the potential for increased convenience. Big Lots is a one-stop shop for a variety of items, including food, household goods, and clothing.

This means that customers can purchase all of their necessary items in one location, which can save time and money.

Another opportunity is the potential for increased access to healthy food. Big Lots has made a commitment to offer a wider variety of healthy food options, including fresh produce, whole grains, and lean protein. This can help customers who rely on food stamps to make healthier choices for themselves and their families.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Food stamps, officially known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, are regulated by federal laws and policies. Accepting SNAP benefits involves adherence to specific guidelines and regulations. Retail establishments like Big Lots must navigate these legal requirements to ensure compliance and avoid potential legal ramifications.

SNAP Eligibility and Authorized Vendors

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), an agency within the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), oversees SNAP administration. FNS establishes eligibility criteria for individuals and families to receive SNAP benefits. Additionally, FNS authorizes retail food stores, including grocery stores and supermarkets, as SNAP vendors.

These authorized vendors must comply with specific rules and regulations to ensure the proper distribution and usage of SNAP benefits.

Legal Implications for Big Lots

If Big Lots were to accept SNAP benefits, it would become a SNAP-authorized retailer. This decision would have legal implications, including:

Compliance with SNAP Regulations

Big Lots would be required to adhere to all applicable SNAP regulations, including those related to benefit issuance, point-of-sale procedures, and record-keeping. Failure to comply with these regulations could result in penalties, fines, or even disqualification from the SNAP program.

Risk of Fraud and Abuse

Accepting SNAP benefits introduces the potential for fraud and abuse. Big Lots would need to implement effective internal controls and security measures to prevent and detect fraudulent transactions. Failure to do so could lead to financial losses and legal liability.

Potential Discrimination Claims

Accepting SNAP benefits could potentially expose Big Lots to discrimination claims. For example, if Big Lots were to deny SNAP benefits to a customer based on their race, ethnicity, or other protected characteristic, it could face legal action for discrimination.

Comparison with Competitors

Big Lots is a major player in the retail industry, and its policies regarding the acceptance of food stamps have the potential to impact consumer behavior and market share. In order to analyze this impact, it is important to compare Big Lots’ policies with those of its competitors.

Competitors’ Policies

Many of Big Lots’ competitors also accept food stamps. However, there are some key differences in the policies of different retailers. For example, some retailers only accept food stamps for certain types of items, while others accept them for all food items.

Additionally, some retailers have limits on the amount of food stamps that can be used in a single transaction.

Potential Impact on Consumer Behavior

The differences in the policies of different retailers can have a significant impact on consumer behavior. For example, a consumer who is looking to use food stamps to purchase food may be more likely to shop at a retailer that accepts food stamps for all food items, rather than a retailer that only accepts food stamps for certain types of items.

Additionally, a consumer who is looking to use food stamps to purchase a large amount of food may be more likely to shop at a retailer that does not have a limit on the amount of food stamps that can be used in a single transaction.

Potential Impact on Market Share

The differences in the policies of different retailers can also have a significant impact on market share. For example, a retailer that accepts food stamps for all food items and does not have a limit on the amount of food stamps that can be used in a single transaction is likely to attract more customers who are looking to use food stamps to purchase food.

This can lead to an increase in market share for that retailer.

Long-Term Implications

Big Lots’ decision to accept food stamps has the potential to shape its brand image and customer loyalty in the long term. By catering to a broader customer base, the company may enhance its reputation as a socially responsible and inclusive retailer.

This could lead to increased brand loyalty among existing customers and attract new customers who appreciate the company’s commitment to serving underserved communities. Additionally, the move may position Big Lots as a leader in addressing food insecurity and promoting equitable access to affordable goods.

Brand Image and Customer Loyalty

  • Positive Brand Perception: Accepting food stamps could enhance Big Lots’ brand image as a socially conscious and inclusive retailer, appealing to customers who value ethical and responsible business practices.
  • Increased Customer Loyalty: Satisfied customers who appreciate the company’s efforts to address food insecurity may become more loyal to the brand, leading to repeat purchases and positive word-of-mouth.
  • Attracting New Customers: Big Lots may attract new customers who are drawn to the company’s commitment to serving underserved communities and providing affordable options.

Changes in Company Policy

While Big Lots’ current policy is to accept food stamps, it is possible that this policy may change in the future. Factors such as changes in government regulations, economic conditions, or shifts in consumer preferences could influence the company’s decision-making.

It is important for Big Lots to carefully consider the potential implications of any policy changes on its brand image, customer loyalty, and overall business strategy.

Case Studies

Several retail establishments have ventured into accepting food stamps, experiencing varying degrees of success or challenges. These case studies offer valuable insights into the factors that influence the outcomes of such initiatives.

One notable example is Walmart, the retail giant that has been accepting food stamps for decades. Their extensive network of stores and wide range of products make them a convenient option for many low-income families. Walmart’s success in this area can be attributed to their well-established infrastructure, customer-centric approach, and effective partnerships with government agencies.

Factors Contributing to Walmart’s Success

  • Established Infrastructure: Walmart’s vast network of stores, strategically located in both urban and rural areas, provides easy access for customers.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Walmart’s focus on customer satisfaction includes providing dedicated checkout lanes for food stamp users, ensuring a smooth and dignified shopping experience.
  • Effective Partnerships: Walmart has forged strong relationships with government agencies responsible for administering food stamp programs, facilitating efficient processing and redemption of benefits.

In contrast, some smaller retail establishments have faced challenges in implementing food stamp programs. These challenges often stem from limited resources, lack of technological infrastructure, and difficulties in navigating complex regulations. As a result, some smaller retailers may be reluctant to accept food stamps, potentially limiting access for low-income families.

Factors Contributing to Challenges Faced by Smaller Retailers

  • Limited Resources: Smaller retailers may have limited financial and technological resources to invest in the necessary infrastructure and staff training required to accept food stamps.
  • Lack of Technological Infrastructure: Smaller retailers may lack the point-of-sale systems and electronic payment processing capabilities required to accept food stamps.
  • Complex Regulations: The complex regulations governing food stamp programs can be difficult for smaller retailers to navigate, leading to potential errors and compliance issues.

These case studies highlight the importance of considering factors such as infrastructure, customer service, and regulatory compliance when implementing food stamp programs. By addressing these factors effectively, retailers can create a positive experience for customers and contribute to the overall success of food assistance programs.

Design a hypothetical scenario

Imagine a situation where Big Lots, a leading American discount retailer, decides to accept food stamps. This scenario involves a well-structured plan outlining the necessary steps and procedures to implement this change effectively.

The acceptance of food stamps by Big Lots has several advantages. It allows the company to expand its customer base by attracting individuals and families who rely on government assistance for food purchases. Additionally, it demonstrates Big Lots’ commitment to social responsibility and its willingness to serve the needs of all members of the community.

Implementation Plan

To ensure a smooth transition and successful implementation, Big Lots would need to undertake the following steps:

  1. Policy Development:
    • Create a clear and comprehensive policy outlining the company’s acceptance of food stamps as a form of payment.
    • Communicate this policy to all employees through training sessions and written materials.
  2. Infrastructure and Technology:
    • Install necessary hardware and software to process food stamp transactions.
    • Integrate these systems with the company’s existing point-of-sale (POS) systems.
    • Ensure that all stores have reliable internet connectivity to facilitate electronic benefit transfer (EBT) transactions.
  3. Training and Education:
    • Provide comprehensive training to cashiers and other frontline employees on how to process food stamp transactions.
    • Educate customers about the new payment option and the process for using food stamps at Big Lots.
  4. Marketing and Communication:
    • Develop a marketing campaign to inform the community about Big Lots’ acceptance of food stamps.
    • Utilize various channels, such as print advertising, social media, and in-store signage, to communicate this change.
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation:
    • Regularly monitor the implementation of the new policy to ensure it is being followed consistently across all stores.
    • Evaluate the impact of accepting food stamps on sales, customer satisfaction, and overall business performance.


Big Lots can enhance its food stamp acceptance program by implementing improvements and considering alternative approaches. These recommendations aim to optimize the program’s effectiveness, improve customer satisfaction, and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

The following recommendations are provided to assist Big Lots in refining its food stamp acceptance program: